EEBA selects its trainers based on their experience in the building industry, commitment to building performance education and ability to present the content in an easy to understand, interactive style. Trainers attend regular update training sessions to assure consistency in information presented, updates on technology & product advances and to review resource materials.
To learn more about our trainers click on any one of the following:
Michael Baechler is a Senior Program Manager in the Energy and Engineering Division at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). He has been at PNNL since 1984. Prior to that Michael was a building auditor and inspector and helped to design the deployment program for the City of Portland's energy policy. Mr. Baechler has worked with the Building America Program since 1998 on research projects and on documenting best construction practices across the program. He co-chaired the 2008 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
Mike Barcik is a senior engineer responsible for energy efficiency training throughout the Southeast. He has taught and developed materials for numerous presentations and workshops covering residential and commercial high performance buildings, including IECC and ASHRAE 90.1 energy codes, Duct and Envelope Tightness Verification, LEED AP and Green Associate exam preparation, EarthCraft House for new and renovated homes, EarthCraft Light Commercial Professional, RESNET Home Energy Rating System, Building Performance Institute, Weatherization and ENERGY STAR v3.
Gord Cooke is a Partner with Construction Instruction Inc. Gord is a professional engineer with over 25 years of experience in the low and high-rise residential building industry. As an educator, industry consultant and much sought after presenter, Gord has a unique talent for taking the building science issues that he sees in the field, and presenting them in an easily understood and practical real-world manner. Gord has particular expertise in applied building science, energy efficient housing initiatives, innovative HVAC systems, ventilation and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). He has developed and delivered a multitude of workshops in these fields, as well as sales and marketing courses for builders and real estate agents to help them best promote the features and benefits of high performance houses.
Mark LaLiberte, a founding partner and President of Construction Instruction, devotes his time educating the building industry on the benefits of constructing durable, energy efficient and healthier homes through lectures, video series and publications.
Mark speaks nationwide to over 8,000 people annually, offering consulting and training sessions for building professionals, architects and major manufacturers. By performing on-site visits of builder’s homes, he is able to identify risks and opportunities for contractors from an independent perspective.
Mark has had the opportunity to take his expertise overseas, speaking to The Polish-American Builders Association in various cities in Poland through The Department of Agriculture and at The International Housing Fair in Tokyo, Japan through the Trade Office.

Andrew Oding is Partner at Construction Instruction and Vice President and Director of Building Science with Building Knowledge Canada. With an extensive background as a builder for 20+ years, Andrew brings a real-life practicality to building science principles and their in-field applications. As a recognized building science trainer by the government of Canada-Office of Energy Efficiency, Building Science Specialist (University of Toronto), and HVAC designer, Andrew is working closely with the development of the new National Building Code of Canada: Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency in Housing and Building, the re-development of ASHRAE 90.2 SSPC Energy efficiency standard for low-rise residential buildings. 90.2 and many advanced building programs (i.e. ENERGY STAR®, Net Zero, LEED for HomesTM, etc.) across North America.
Andrew is :
- ASHRAE 90.2 Residential Energy Efficiency Standard committee member 2016-2019
- Chair of the Canadian Homebuilders Association Technical Research & Code Committee (TRC). 2017-2019
- Chair of the Canadian Homebuilders Association t Zero Housing Council). 2014-2018
- National Building Code Canada Standing Committee Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Homes, committee member 2018-present
- Past-Chair of the CaGBC LEED for Homes Technical Committee 2008-2011
- Past-Chair of Ontario Home Builders Association Technical Committee
- Past Chair of Canadian Green Building Council LEED for Homes 2007-2011
- Energy Star for New Homes Technical Standing Committee member and past-Chair
Bruce Sullivan has been helping building professionals increase energy efficiency for more than 35 years. In writing, consulting, and training, he places a strong emphasis on real-world obstacles and practical solutions. His own homes have served as laboratories for the latest in high-performance design and construction concepts. In 2006, his personal high-performance home was honored with the NAHB Research Center's EnergyValue Housing Award and the NAHB Green Building Award. In 2015, he and his wife built a home that generates enough electricity to operate the home and an electric vehicle. He is currently technical director at the Zero Energy Project.

Justin Wilson works with national and regional builders on new construction of residential and commercials buildings and forensic investigations on building sites all over North America to find solutions to problems in the building processes that affect energy, comfort, and durability. He also uses this insight to work with leading building product manufacturers on new product development, product refinements, installation and maintenance guidelines.
Thermal enclosure improvements, indoor air quality, occupant comfort, HVAC integration and design of homes are his primary industry interests. He also has a passion for affordable net-zero energy homes with advanced and durable thermal enclosures. As the Environment & Sustainability Manager with McStain Neighborhoods in Boulder, CO Justin was a key player in designing and developing several of the first production net-zero homes in the US. He knows about the good, the bad, and the ugly of production net zero building.
Justin's Bachelor of Science Degree is in music. He is an accomplished Jazz and Classical musician who one time played Paul Creston's Concertino for Marimba and Orchestra solo to a live audience at full tilt. Turns out, Justin's love for music is only love; his passion lies in the building industry, which he discovered while swinging a hammer to make ends meet. Since then, he’s studied mechanical engineering and physics, and has since worked as an Engineer at a plastic component manufacturing facility.
These days, the Construction Instruction mobile app is Justin’s main part-time job and one of his proudest achievements. It thrills him to watch the user base keep growing and it is rewarding to know that people are gaining valuable and innovative industry knowledge through the app.