Zero Energy Courses

The EEBA Academy provides a flexible and convenient way for the world's best high performance builders and their partners to come together to learn about building science and advances in sustainably constructing better homes. Learn more about the Academy here.

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Below is a sample of Zero Energy courses available on the EEBA Academy:
* Create a free Talent LMS Account to take courses. Have questions? Reach out to:

What is a High-Performance Home and How to Consistently Deliver It at Lower Cost

Once homebuyers purchase new homes often based on infatuation with community and design, bad home performance experiences can negate all the hard work earning customer satisfaction. It is critical to get high-performance right. This course begins that process with lessons-learned from decades of experience as a residential architect and work with thousands of home builders while serving as national director for ENERGY STAR Certified Home and Zero Energy Ready Home. The resulting framework for high performance homes includes five key strategies and over 40 best practices for applying them with substantial cost savings. Most importantly, this framework has been intensively researched, vetted, and refined over five years with hundreds of housing industry executives. The goal is not to dogmatically impose one solution for all, but to engage housing professionals to high-performance as a journey and how to get on their own path. 

Instructor: Sam Rashkin

What's Next for High Performance Homes?

This panel will introduce the EEBA / ProBuilder Ultimate ZEN All Electric Home and discuss its key features, the hurdles encountered, and key points of buyer acceptance. This will lead into a discussion on what is next in high performance building, ways to get there, and an example of one unique builder and energy rater partnership designed to take on the question of "What's next and how do we get there?"

Instructor: Bill Rectanus, Steve Byers, Seth Hart, Sandy Stegall, David Kendall
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Health in the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home is designed to set a new standard for health in the home. Learn about EPA Indoor airPLUS and how the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home builds on this foundation to address COVID, with whole house HEPA filtration and optimum humidity to shorten the life of the pathogen on surfaces.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Bill Rectanus, Nick Hurst, Joseph Hillenmeyer, & Russell Pope

How to Cost-Effectively Build Zero Energy Homes

In order to earn the EEBA Zero Energy Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate

PLUS this course, How to Cost-Effectively Build Zero Energy Homes

Instructor: Bruce Sullivan
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